我认为您的脚本有错误。我修好了请检查一下。var slider_details;var html = ""; carousel()function carousel() { slider_details = [ { background: "img/slider/fastfood.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd_2+3.html", id: "fastfood", }, { background: "img/slider/restaurant.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd.html", id: "restaurant", }, { background: "img/slider/beverages.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "packages.html", id: "beverages", }, { background: "img/slider/cake.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "packages.html", id: "cake", }, { background: "img/slider/fruit.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd.html", id: "fruit", }, { background: "img/slider/grocery.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_conv.html", id: "grocery", }, { background: "img/slider/flower.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "packages.html", id: "flower", }, { background: "img/slider/vegetables.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd.html", id: "vegetables", }, { background: "img/slider/organic.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd.html", id: "organic", }, { background: "img/slider/office.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd.html", id: "office", }, { background: "img/slider/Supermarket.jpg", text1: "What type of", text2: "Business are you in?", text3: "We provide best for our client and respect their business design idea.", text4: "Get Started", url: "package_bsd.html", id: "supermarket", } ]; $.each(slider_details, function(x,y) { html += '<div class="text-center item bg-img" data-overlay-dark="7" data-background="'+y.background+'" >'; html += ' <div class="absolute-middle-center caption">'; html += ' <div class="overflow-hidden">'; html += ' <h3 class="alt-font font-size28 sm-font-size18 text-white no-margin">'+y.text1+'</h3>'; html += ' <h1 class="text-white">'+y.text2+'</h1>'; html += ' <p class="margin-30px-bottom sm-margin-20px-bottom sm-display-none">'+y.text3+'</p>'; html += ' <input type="text" class="type" value="'+y.id+'">'; html += ' <a href="'+y.url+'" class="butn medium theme">'; html += ' <span class="alt-font">'+y.text4+'</span><i class="fas fa-angle-right font-size16 sm-font-size14 text-white margin-10px-left"></i>'; html += ' </a>'; html += ' </div>'; html += ' </div>'; html += '</div>'; }); // sessionStorage.setItem('x', document.getElementById('type').value);}$(document).ready(function(){ $("input").click(function(){ var value = $(this).val() alert(value); }); }); $('.owl-carousel').html(html);function testfunc(){ var g = document.getElementsByClassName("type").value; document.getElementById('lblsd').value = g;}<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script><div class="owl-carousel"></div>