package models
//StoryStatus indicates the current state of the story
type StoryStatus string
const (
//Progress indicates a story is currenty being written
Progress StoryStatus = "progress"
//Completed indicates a story was completed
Completed StoryStatus = "completed"
//Story holds detials of story
type Story struct {
ID int
Title string `gorm:"type:varchar(100);unique_index"`
Status StoryStatus `sql:"type ENUM('progress', 'completed');default:'progress'"`
Paragraphs []Paragraph `gorm:"ForeignKey:StoryID"`
//Paragraph is linked to a story
//A story can have around configurable paragraph
type Paragraph struct {
ID int
StoryID int
Sentences []Sentence `gorm:"ForeignKey:ParagraphID"`
//Sentence are linked to paragraph
//A paragraph can have around configurable paragraphs
type Sentence struct {
ID uint
Value string
Status bool
ParagraphID uint
我GORM在 GO 中使用 for orm。如何story基于story idlike allparagraphs和 all the sentencesfor each获取 a 的所有信息paragraph。
该GORM示例仅显示使用 2 个模型preload