这种方法首先构建一个路由主控,其中包括每个路由的列表条目以进行检查(显示在底部)。一旦路由主机可用,那么路由检查就很简单了。flatten来自这里的 179 点答案如果您需要任何澄清,请告诉我。这是代码:import _collections_abcimport itertoolsfrom pprint import pprintl1 = [ '', '']json_tree = { "Gardens": { "Seaside": { "@loc": "porch", "@myID": "1.2.3", "Tid": "1", "InfoList": { "status": { "@default": "0", "@myID": "26" }, "count": { "@default": "0", "@myID": "1" } }, "BackYard": { "@loc": "backyard", "@myID": "75", "Tid": "2", "InfoList": { "status": { "@default": "6", "@myID": "32" }, "count": { "@default": "0", "@myID": "2" } } } } }}def flatten(d, parent_key='', sep='_'): """Return flattened dict as list""" items = [] for k, v in d.items(): new_key = parent_key + sep + k if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, _collections_abc.MutableMapping): items.extend(flatten(v, new_key, sep=sep).items()) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return dict(items)def add_id(path, id_value): """Update list of @myID paths""" id_list.append([path, id_value])def update_json(path, value): """Update the json_data with the default value""" l_bracket_q = "['" r_bracket_q = "']" at_default = "['@default']" result = '' cmd = "json_tree" for key in path: cmd += l_bracket_q + key + r_bracket_q cmd += at_default cmd += ' = value' exec(cmd)flat_list = flatten(json_tree)id_list = []# Loop the flattened list filtering for ID's, excluding the ones in countfor k, v in [x for x in flat_list.items() if '@myID' in x[0] and 'count' not in x[0]]: add_id(k, v)route_list = []# start building the route list from the filtered id listfor id_entry in id_list: route_list.append( [[x for x in id_entry[0].split('_') if x != '@myID'], [y for y in id_entry[1].split('.')]])route_master = []# generate the route master to include the path and the full route (as list not 1.2.3)for id_entry in id_list: s1 = id_entry[0].split('_') tmp_route = [] tmp_list = [] for i in range(len(s1)): if s1[i] == '@myID': break tmp_list.append(s1[i]) for rte in route_list: if tmp_list == rte[0]: tmp_route.append(rte[1]) route_item = list(itertools.chain(*tmp_route)) tmp_list.append(route_item) route_master.append(tmp_list)# break out the default value from the route of the main driver filel2 = list(zip(['.'.join(x.split('.')[:-1]) for x in l1], [x.split('.')[-1] for x in l1]))# loop the routes to process and update when foundfor route, default in l2: for check_it in route_master: if route.split('.') == check_it[-1]: update_json(check_it[:-1], default)# print resultspprint(json_tree)结果:{'Gardens': {'Seaside': {'@loc': 'porch', '@myID': '1.2.3', 'BackYard': {'@loc': 'backyard', '@myID': '75', 'InfoList': {'count': {'@default': '0', '@myID': '2'}, 'status': {'@default': '2', '@myID': '32'}}, 'Tid': '2'}, 'InfoList': {'count': {'@default': '0', '@myID': '1'}, 'status': {'@default': '4', '@myID': '26'}}, 'Tid': '1'}}}路线大师:['Gardens', 'Seaside', ['1', '2', '3']]['Gardens', 'Seaside', 'InfoList', 'status', ['1', '2', '3', '26']]['Gardens', 'Seaside', 'BackYard', ['1', '2', '3', '75']]['Gardens', 'Seaside', 'BackYard', 'InfoList', 'status', ['1', '2', '3', '75', '32']]