我不太确定,但使用 python ,这是打开连接的方法def open(self): """ Open the Sender using the supplied conneciton. If the handler has previously been redirected, the redirect context will be used to create a new handler before opening it. :param connection: The underlying client shared connection. :type: connection: ~uamqp.connection.Connection """ self.running = True if self.redirected: self.target = self.redirected.address self._handler = SendClient( self.target, auth=self.client.get_auth(), debug=self.client.debug, msg_timeout=self.timeout, error_policy=self.retry_policy, keep_alive_interval=self.keep_alive, client_name=self.name, properties=self.client.create_properties()) self._handler.open() while not self._handler.client_ready(): time.sleep(0.05)这是初始化def __init__(self, client, target, partition=None, send_timeout=60, keep_alive=None, auto_reconnect=True): """ Instantiate an EventHub event Sender handler. :param client: The parent EventHubClient. :type client: ~azure.eventhub.client.EventHubClient. :param target: The URI of the EventHub to send to. :type target: str :param partition: The specific partition ID to send to. Default is None, in which case the service will assign to all partitions using round-robin. :type partition: str :param send_timeout: The timeout in seconds for an individual event to be sent from the time that it is queued. Default value is 60 seconds. If set to 0, there will be no timeout. :type send_timeout: int :param keep_alive: The time interval in seconds between pinging the connection to keep it alive during periods of inactivity. The default value is None, i.e. no keep alive pings. :type keep_alive: int :param auto_reconnect: Whether to automatically reconnect the sender if a retryable error occurs. Default value is `True`. :type auto_reconnect: bool """ self.running = False self.client = client self.target = target self.partition = partition self.timeout = send_timeout self.redirected = None self.error = None self.keep_alive = keep_alive self.auto_reconnect = auto_reconnect self.retry_policy = errors.ErrorPolicy(max_retries=3, on_error=_error_handler) self.reconnect_backoff = 1 self.name = "EHSender-{}".format(uuid.uuid4()) if partition: self.target += "/Partitions/" + partition self.name += "-partition{}".format(partition) self._handler = SendClient( self.target, auth=self.client.get_auth(), debug=self.client.debug, msg_timeout=self.timeout, error_policy=self.retry_policy, keep_alive_interval=self.keep_alive, client_name=self.name, properties=self.client.create_properties()) self._outcome = None self._condition = None我相信,下面的函数行只会创建一个分区发送者if partition: self.target += "/Partitions/" + partition self.name += "-partition{}".format(partition)参考https://github.com/Azure/azure-event-hubs-python/blob/master/azure/eventhub/sender.py希望能帮助到你。