我想出了一个正则表达式解决你的问题。我尽量将正则表达式模式保持为“通用”,因为我不知道文本中是否总会有换行符和空格,这意味着该模式选择了很多空格,然后将其删除。#Import the module for regular expressionsimport re#Text to search. I CORRECTED IT A BIT AS YOUR EXAMPLE SAID second d AND second_c WAS FOLLOWED BY TWO COMMAS. I am assuming those were typos.text = '''ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree ( first_param ,( second_a ,second_b, second_c ,second_d), third, fourth)'''#Regex search pattern. re.S means . which represents ANY character, includes \n (newlines)pattern = re.compile('ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree \((.*?),\((.*?)\),(.*?), (.*?)\)', re.S) #ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree \((.*?),\((.*?)\), (.*?), (.*?)\)#Apply the pattern to the text and save the results in variable 'result'. result[0] would return whole text.#The items you want are sub-expressions which are enclosed in parentheses () and can be accessed by using result[1] and aboveresult = re.match(pattern, text)#result[1] will get everything after theparenteses after CollapsingMergeTree until it reaches a , (comma), but with whitespace and newlines. re.sub is used to replace all whitespace, including newlines, with nothingfirst = re.sub('\s', '', result[1])#result[2] will get second a-d, but with whitespace and newlines. re.sub is used to replace all whitespace, including newlines, with nothingsecond = re.sub('\s', '', result[2])third = re.sub('\s', '', result[3])fourth = re.sub('\s', '', result[4])print(first)print(second)print(third)print(fourth)输出:first_paramsecond_a,second_b,second_c,second_dthirdfourth正则表达式解释:\ = 转义控制字符,这是一个正则表达式会解释为特殊含义的字符。更多在这里。\( = 转义括号() = 将括号中的表达式标记为子组。见结果[1]等。. = 匹配任何字符(包括换行符,因为 re.S)* = 匹配前面表达式的 0 次或多次出现。? = 匹配前面表达式的 0 或 1 次出现。笔记: *?组合被称为非贪婪重复,这意味着前面的表达式只匹配一次,而不是一遍又一遍。我不是专家,但我希望我的解释是正确的。我希望这有帮助。