这更像是一个网络问题,所以我们可以使用networkx:import networkx as nxG=nx.from_edgelist(L)l=list(nx.connected_components(G))# after that we create the map dict , for get the unique id for each nodesmapdict={z:x for x, y in enumerate(l) for z in y }# then append the id back to original data for groupby newlist=[ x+(mapdict[x[0]],)for x in L]import itertools#using groupby make the same id into one sublistnewlist=sorted(newlist,key=lambda x : x[2])yourlist=[list(y) for x , y in itertools.groupby(newlist,key=lambda x : x[2])]yourlist[[('A', 'B', 0), ('B', 'C', 0), ('C', 'D', 0)], [('E', 'F', 1)], [('G', 'H', 2), ('H', 'I', 2), ('G', 'I', 2), ('G', 'J', 2)]]然后匹配您的输出格式:L1,L2,L3=[[y[:2]for y in x] for x in yourlist]L1[('A', 'B'), ('B', 'C'), ('C', 'D')]L2[('E', 'F')]L3[('G', 'H'), ('H', 'I'), ('G', 'I'), ('G', 'J')]
将组列表初始化为空让我们(a, b)成为下一对收集包含带有a或的任何元素的所有组b将它们全部删除,加入它们,添加(a, b),然后作为新组插入重复直到完成那会是这样的:import itertools, functoolsdef partition(pred, iterable): t1, t2 = itertools.tee(iterable) return itertools.filterfalse(pred, t1), filter(pred, t2)groups = []for a, b in L: unrelated, related = partition(lambda group: any(aa == a or bb == b or aa == b or bb == a for aa, bb in group), groups) groups = [*unrelated, sum(related, [(a, b)])]
一种高效的 Pythonic 方法是将元组列表转换为一组frozensets 作为候选池,并在while循环中,创建一组作为组并使用嵌套while循环通过添加第一个候选集和然后与与该组相交的其他候选集执行集合并集,直到没有更多的相交候选集,此时返回外循环以形成一个新组:pool = set(map(frozenset, L))groups = []while pool: group = set() groups.append([]) while True: for candidate in pool: if not group or group & candidate: group |= candidate groups[-1].append(tuple(candidate)) pool.remove(candidate) break else: break鉴于您的样本输入,groups将变为:[[('A', 'B'), ('C', 'B'), ('C', 'D')], [('G', 'H'), ('H', 'I'), ('G', 'J'), ('G', 'I')], [('E', 'F')]]请记住,集合在 Python 中是无序的,这就是为什么上述输出的顺序与您的预期输出不匹配的原因,但对于您的目的而言,顺序应该无关紧要。