看来我们在评论部分同意为了简单起见应该将文件扫描为字符串。第二部分可以用递归和简单的字符串方法解决。下面的程序确实包含了你想要的一切,但不是一个功能齐全的刽子手游戏,所以我会让你填空。import java.util.Scanner;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileNotFoundException;public class HangmanDriver {public static final int mistakes_MAX = 6;public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { File myFile = new File("PATH TO YOUR KEYBOARD FILE"); String myText = ""; Scanner in = new Scanner(myFile); while(in.hasNextLine()) { myText += (in.nextLine() + "\n"); } in.close(); String myWord = ""; boolean stillPlaying = true; while(stillPlaying) { in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.println("Enter the word for new game: "); myWord = in.nextLine().toUpperCase(); playGame(in, false, 0, 0, myWord, myText); System.out.println("Would you like to play again? [Y/N]"); char ans = in.next().charAt(0); if(ans != 'y' && ans != 'Y') stillPlaying = false; } System.out.println("Goodbye.");}public static void playGame(Scanner in, boolean isOver, int mistakes, int correct, String word, String text) { if(isOver == false) { System.out.println("\n" + text + "\n\nEnter a Letter (Must Be Upper Case)"); char letter = in.next().charAt(0); if(text.indexOf(letter) != -1) { text = text.replace(letter, '-'); if(word.indexOf(letter) != -1) { for(char c : word.toCharArray()) { if(letter == c) correct++; } System.out.println("Good guess!"); if(correct == word.length()) { System.out.println("You won!"); playGame(in, true, mistakes, correct, word, text); } else { playGame(in, false, mistakes, correct, word, text); } } else { mistakes++; System.out.println(mistakes_MAX-mistakes + " guesses left."); if(mistakes == mistakes_MAX) { System.out.println("Game Over!"); playGame(in, true, mistakes, correct, word, text); } else { playGame(in, false, mistakes, correct, word, text); } } } else { System.out.println("That is not an option. Try Again.\n\n"); playGame(in, false, mistakes, correct, word, text); } }}}