这是我写的一个小脚本。它拆分单个*.ipynb文件并将其转换为多个*.tex文件。用法是:复制以下脚本并另存为 main.py执行python main.py init。它将创建main.tex和style_ipython_custom.tplx在您的 jupyther 笔记本中,向您要提取的每个单元格添加额外的行#latex:tag_a, #latex:tag_b, .. 。相同的标签将被提取到相同的*.tex文件。将其保存为*.ipynb文件。幸运的是,目前VSCode蟒蛇插件支持出口到*.ipynb从,或使用jupytext转换*.py到*.ipynb。运行python main.py path/to/your.ipynb,它将创建tag_a.tex和tag_b.tex编辑main.tex和添加\input{tag_a.tex}或\input{tag_b.tex}任何你想要的地方。运行pdflatex main.tex它会产生main.pdf这个脚本背后的想法:使用默认值从 jupyter notebook 转换为 LaTexnbconvert.LatexExporter会生成包含宏定义的完整 LaTex 文件。使用它来转换每个单元格可能会创建大型 LaTex 文件。为避免该问题,脚本首先创建main.tex只有宏定义的单元格,然后将每个单元格转换为没有宏定义的 LaTex 文件。这可以使用自定义模板文件来完成,该文件从style_ipython.tplx标记或标记单元格可能使用单元格元数据完成,但我找不到如何在 VSCode python 插件(问题)中设置它,因此它使用正则表达式模式扫描每个单元格的源^#latex:(.*),并在将其转换为 LaTex 文件之前将其删除.来源:import sysimport reimport osfrom collections import defaultdictimport nbformatfrom nbconvert import LatexExporter, exportersOUTPUT_FILES_DIR = './images'CUSTOM_TEMPLATE = 'style_ipython_custom.tplx'MAIN_TEX = 'main.tex'def create_main(): # creates `main.tex` which only has macro definition latex_exporter = LatexExporter() book = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() book.cells.append( nbformat.v4.new_raw_cell(r'\input{__your_input__here.tex}')) (body, _) = latex_exporter.from_notebook_node(book) with open(MAIN_TEX, 'x') as fout: fout.write(body) print("created:", MAIN_TEX)def init(): create_main() latex_exporter = LatexExporter() # copy `style_ipython.tplx` in `nbconvert.exporters` module to current directory, # and modify it so that it does not contain macro definition tmpl_path = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(exporters.__file__), latex_exporter.default_template_path) src = os.path.join(tmpl_path, 'style_ipython.tplx') target = CUSTOM_TEMPLATE with open(src) as fsrc: with open(target, 'w') as ftarget: for line in fsrc: # replace the line so than it does not contain macro definition if line == "((*- extends 'base.tplx' -*))\n": line = "((*- extends 'document_contents.tplx' -*))\n" ftarget.write(line) print("created:", CUSTOM_TEMPLATE)def group_cells(note): # scan the cell source for tag with regexp `^#latex:(.*)` # if sames tags are found group it to same list pattern = re.compile(r'^#latex:(.*?)$(\n?)', re.M) group = defaultdict(list) for num, cell in enumerate(note.cells): m = pattern.search(cell.source) if m: tag = m.group(1).strip() # remove the line which contains tag cell.source = cell.source[:m.start(0)] + cell.source[m.end(0):] group[tag].append(cell) else: print("tag not found in cell number {}. ignore".format(num + 1)) return groupdef doit(): with open(sys.argv[1]) as f: note = nbformat.read(f, as_version=4) group = group_cells(note) latex_exporter = LatexExporter() # use the template which does not contain LaTex macro definition latex_exporter.template_file = CUSTOM_TEMPLATE try: os.mkdir(OUTPUT_FILES_DIR) except FileExistsError: pass for (tag, g) in group.items(): book = nbformat.v4.new_notebook() book.cells.extend(g) # unique_key will be prefix of image (body, resources) = latex_exporter.from_notebook_node( book, resources={ 'output_files_dir': OUTPUT_FILES_DIR, 'unique_key': tag }) ofile = tag + '.tex' with open(ofile, 'w') as fout: fout.write(body) print("created:", ofile) # the image data which is embedded as base64 in notebook # will be decoded and returned in `resources`, so write it to file for filename, data in resources.get('outputs', {}).items(): with open(filename, 'wb') as fres: fres.write(data) print("created:", filename)if len(sys.argv) <= 1: print("USAGE: this_script [init|yourfile.ipynb]")elif sys.argv[1] == "init": init()else: doit()
我会使用bookdown在同一个文档中同时包含测试和源代码(为了方便起见,分成几个文件)。这个包起源于 R 世界,但也可以与其他语言一起使用。这是一个非常简单的例子:---output: bookdown::pdf_document2---```{r setup, include=FALSE}knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)```# Setup dataFirst we define some varialbes with data.```{python data}bob = ['Bob Smith', 42, 30000, 'software']sue = ['Sue Jones', 45, 40000, 'music']```# Output datathen we output some of the data.```{python output}bob[0], sue[2]```# Reference code blockFinally lets repeate the code block without evaluating it.```{python, ref.label="output", eval = FALSE}```输出: