所以我对编码很陌生,我正在学习 python,所以我决定尝试制作一个贷款计算器。我这样做是为了当用户输入他们的本金、利率和全额支付贷款所需的年数时,它会输出他们的年付款、月付款和贷款总付款。我做了这个,它奏效了。我决定更进一步,让它在此之后,如果用户输入他们的年收入,它会将他们的月收入与他们的月付款进行比较,并告诉他们是否需要再融资。
principle = float(input("Principle: ")) #principle = the amount of dollars borrowed
rate = float(input("Rate: ")) #rate = the interest rate that is charged each year on unpaid principle
years = float(input("Years: ")) #years = the number of years required to repay the loan in full
payment = ((1 + rate)**years * principle * rate)/((1 + rate)**years - 1)
#lines 7-10 print the annual, monthly, and total payments made respectively
print("Annual payment: ${:,.2f}".format(payment))
print("Monthly payment: ${:,.2f}".format(payment/12))
print("Total paid for the life of the loan: ${:,.2f}".format(payment*years))
principle = float(input("Principle: ")) #principle = the amount of dollars borrowed
rate = float(input("Rate: ")) #rate = the interest rate that is charged each year on unpaid principle
years = float(input("Years: ")) #years = the number of years required to repay the loan in full
payment = ((1 + rate)**years * principle * rate)/((1 + rate)**years - 1)
annualinc = float(input("Annual income: ")) #annualinc = the annual income
#to check if the user needs to refinance or not by comparing their monthly
income to their monthly payment
if (annualinc / 12) <= (payment / 12) and rate > .05:
print("You should refinance")
elif (annualinc / 12) <= (payment / 12):
print("You should seek financial counseling")
print("If you make all your payments, your loan will be paid on time.")
让 if 语句起作用的唯一方法是让用户重新输入打印语句和 if 语句之间的每个变量。每当我将变量annualinc = float(input("Annual income: ")放在打印语句之前或打印语句和 if 语句之间的程序开头时,它都会用语法错误打破它后面的行。为什么我必须再次询问所有变量,为什么我不能单独询问变量annualinc?为什么当我把它和第一组变量放在一起时它不起作用?