一直很顺利,直到我添加了攻击功能。现在当我运行它时它崩溃了。我不知道我做错了什么!这段代码有很多问题,一个好的语法检查器应该警告你其中一些问题:你的使用randint()没有被模块名称限定:import randomAtkDef = randint(1,2)任何一个:import randomAtkDef = random.randint(1,2)或者:from random import randintAtkDef = randint(1,2)您在此变量赋值中存在语法错误:if pATK == 1: AtkDef == 1 # should be "=" not "=="变量pDMG和eDMG永远不会在任何地方定义。该变量在代码的不同位置turnToken也有名称TurnToken。全局变量turnToken和eHP被修改buttons(),因此必须声明:def buttons(x, y): global turnToken, eHP这些调用对您没有任何作用,因此您可以删除它们:m1.begin_poly()m1.end_poly()m2.begin_poly()m2.end_poly()最后,您的主循环与乌龟的事件性质相悖,应重新转换为计时器事件。下面我已经尽我所能修补和重新编写了你的代码——我可能在过程中引入了新的错误,但它现在基本上可以运行:from turtle import Screen, Turtlefrom random import randintLARGE_FONT = ("Agency FB", 40, "bold")SMALL_FONT = ("Agency FB", 15, "bold")def pSlime(): m1.penup() m1.goto(-480, 200) m1.left(180) m1.pendown() m1.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): m1.circle(20, 90) m1.forward(360) m1.end_fill() m1.penup() m1.goto(-350, 100) m1.pendown() m1.fillcolor("black") m1.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): m1.forward(20) m1.right(90) m1.end_fill() m1.penup() m1.goto(-250, 120) m1.left(180) m1.pendown() m1.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): m1.forward(20) m1.right(90) m1.end_fill() m1.left(90) m1.penup() m1.goto(-400, 0) m1.pendown() m1.begin_fill() for _ in range(2): m1.forward(20) m1.right(90) m1.forward(100) m1.right(90) m1.end_fill()def fireSlime(): m2.penup() m2.goto(120, 350) m2.left(180) m2.pendown() m2.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): m2.circle(20, 90) m2.forward(360) m2.end_fill() m2.penup() m2.goto(550 - 350, 100 + 150) m2.pendown() m2.fillcolor("black") m2.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): m2.forward(20) m2.right(90) m2.end_fill() m2.penup() m2.goto(550 - 250, 120 + 150) m2.left(180) m2.pendown() m2.begin_fill() for _ in range(4): m2.forward(20) m2.right(90) m2.end_fill() m2.penup() m2.goto(650 - 400, 150) m2.left(90) m2.pendown() m2.begin_fill() for _ in range(2): m2.forward(20) m2.right(90) m2.forward(100) m2.right(90) m2.end_fill()def buttons(x, y): global turnToken, eHP if 17 < x < 299 and y -230 < y < -161: eHP -= pDMG screen.textinput("", "attack") turnToken -= 1 if 300 < x < 671 and -234 < y < -153: screen.textinput("", "Coming soon") if 300 < x < 671 and -356 < y < -235: screen.textinput("", "You can't run during the tutorial!") if 17 < x < 299 and -356 < y < -235: if eATK != 1: eDMG -= pDEF screen.textinput("", "defend") turnToken -= 1 else: screen.textinput("", "Whoops! looks like the enemy's attack has reached 1 or less! Try something else!")def play(): global turnToken pHP = 100 pATK = 10 if eHP != 0 or pHP != 0: if turnToken == 1: screen.onscreenclick(buttons, 1) else: screen.onscreenclick(None, 1) turnToken += 1 AtkDef = randint(1, 2) if pATK == 1: AtkDef = 1 if AtkDef == 1: pHP -= eATK screen.textinput("", "attack") else: pATK -= eDEF screen.textinput("", "defend") screen.ontimer(play, 1000)screen = Screen()screen.setup(width=1.0, height=1.0)m1 = Turtle(visible=False)m1.speed('fastest')m1.fillcolor("lime")m2 = Turtle(visible=False)m2.speed('fastest')m2.fillcolor("red")txt = Turtle(visible=False)txt.speed('fastest')txt.penup()pDEF = 1eDEF = 1pDMG = 5eDMG = 5eHP = 50eATK = 10turnToken = 1pSlime()fireSlime()txt.pensize(15)txt.goto(-800, -230)txt.pendown()txt.forward(750)txt.left(50)txt.forward(100)txt.right(50)txt.forward(800)txt.penup()txt.pensize(5)txt.goto(-800, 230)txt.pendown()txt.forward(700)txt.left(90)txt.forward(200)txt.left(90)txt.penup()txt.forward(570)txt.left(90)txt.forward(105)txt.write("\nWelcome to Evolve, a game of monsters, genetics, \nand battle. The slime on the left will be your first monster.\n Click the attack button to attack the fire slime on the right", align="left", font=SMALL_FONT)txt.pensize(3)txt.goto(300, 300)txt.forward(450)txt.pendown()txt.forward(85)txt.left(90)txt.forward(500)txt.left(180)txt.forward(900)txt.left(90)txt.forward(200)txt.left(180)txt.forward(200)txt.left(90)txt.right(180)txt.forward(362)txt.right(90)txt.forward(200)txt.penup()txt.goto(110, -220)txt.write("Attack", align="left", font=LARGE_FONT)txt.forward(100)txt.write("Defend", align="left", font=LARGE_FONT)txt.left(90)txt.forward(200)txt.write("Exit Battle", align="left", font=LARGE_FONT)txt.left(90)txt.forward(100)txt.write("Item", align="left", font=LARGE_FONT)screen.listen() # only needs to be called once, can't be undoneplay()screen.mainloop()