我正在寻找在 Javascript 中计算 THREE.DataTexture 的 texel 引用,以便在片段着色器中使用。我已经成功地计算了点的屏幕空间坐标,并将它们以 x 和 y 值的统一浮点数组形式传递给着色器,然后通过着色器中的索引引用这些点。我现在想要渲染太多点以在统一浮点数组中传递坐标,所以我想使用 DataTexture 并在 RGBA 纹素的 RG 值中写入坐标。
var tDataWidth = points.length;
var tData = new Uint8Array( Math.pow(tDataWidth, 2) );
var texelSize = 1.0 / tDataWidth;
var texelOffset = new THREE.Vector2(0.5 * texelSize, 0.5 * texelSize);
for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++){
//convert data to 0-1, then to 0-255
//inverse is to divide by 255 then multiply by width, height respectively
tData[i * 4] = Math.round(255 * (points[i].x / window.innerWidth));
tData[i * 4 + 1] = Math.round(255 * ((window.innerHeight - points[i].y) / window.innerHeight));
tData[i * 4 + 2] = 0;
tData[i * 4 + 3] = 0;
//calculate UV texel coordinates here
//Correct after edit
var u = ((i % tDataWidth) / tDataWidth) + texelOffset;
var v = (Math.floor(i / tDataWidth) + texelOffset);
var vUV = new THREE.Vector2(u, v);
//this function inserts the reference to the texel at the index into the shader
//referenced in the frag shader:
//cvec = texture2D(tData, index);
shaderInsert += ShaderInsert(vUV, screenPos.x, window.innerHeight - screenPos.y);
var dTexture = new THREE.DataTexture( sdfUItData, tDataWidth, tDataWidth, THREE.RGBAFormat, THREE.UnsignedByteType );
//I think this is necessary
dTexture.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
dTexture.needsUpdate = true;
//update uniforms of shader to get this DataTexture
renderer.getUniforms("circles")["tData"].value = dTexture;
//return string insert of circle
//I'm editing the shader through javascript then recompiling it
//There's more to it in the calling function, but this is the relevant part I think
对我出错的地方有什么帮助吗?现在输出都在左下角,所以 (0, window.innerHeight) 据我所知。谢谢!