我有一个包含股票价格数据的大型数据框 df.columns = ['open','high','low','close']
问题定义:当 EMA 交叉发生时,我提到 df['cross'] = cross。每次发生交叉时,如果我们将当前交叉标记为 crossover4,我想检查交叉 3 和交叉 4 之间 df['low'] 的最小值是否大于交叉 1 之间的 df['low'] 最小值和 2. 我已经根据迄今为止从“Gherka”收到的帮助尝试编写代码。我已经索引了交叉并找到了连续交叉之间的最小值。因此,每次发生交叉时,都必须与前 3 次交叉进行比较,我需要检查 MIN(CROSS4,CROSS 3) > MIN(CROSS2,CROSS1)。
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import bisect as bs
data = pd.read_csv("Nifty.csv")
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['5EMA'] = df['Close'].ewm(span=5).mean()
df['10EMA'] = df['Close'].ewm(span=10).mean()
condition1 = df['5EMA'].shift(1) < df['10EMA'].shift(1)
condition2 = df['5EMA'] > df['10EMA']
df['cross'] = np.where(condition1 & condition2, 'cross', None)
cross_index_array = df.loc[df['cross'] == 'cross'].index
def find_index(a, x):
i = bs.bisect_left(a, x)
return a[i-1]
def min_value(x):
"""Find the minimum value of 'Low' between crossovers 1 and 2, crossovers 3 and 4, etc..."""
cur_index = x.name
prev_cross_index = find_index(cross_index_array, cur_index)
return df.loc[prev_cross_index:cur_index, 'Low'].min()
df['min'] = None
df['min'][df['cross'] == 'cross'] = df.apply(min_value, axis=1)