我需要 Go 隐式解析我的结构类型,以便对某些属性进行通用替换。
//must replace the attribute with attValue
func SetAttribute(object interface{}, attributeName string, attValue interface{}, objectType reflect.Type) interface{} {
/// works perfectly, but function SetAttribute needs to know Customer type to do the convertion
convertedObject := object.(Customer) // <-- Need to hard code a cast :(
// doesn't works... raise panic!
//convertedObject := object
value := reflect.ValueOf(&convertedObject).Elem()
field := value.FieldByName(attributeName)
valueForAtt := reflect.ValueOf(attValue)
return value.Interface()
请查看 Go 游乐场中的完整示例... http://play.golang.org/p/jxxSB5FKEy