您应该“承诺”事件发射器对象(something.data.on),然后您可以等待结果: const itVolOne = async () => { if (boolpool) { const pres = mvc.Components.get("search1"); const alldata3 = await new Promise(resolve => { pres.data('results', {count: 0, output_mode: 'json_rows'}).on("data", results => { resolve(results._data); } ); }); console.log(JSON.stringify(alldata3)); const rdbms1 = mvc.Components.get("search2"); const alldata32 = await new Promise(resolve => { rdbms1.data('results', {count: 0, output_mode: 'json_rows'}).on("data", results => { resolve(results._data); } ); }); console.log(JSON.stringify(alldata32)); return { alldata3, alldata32 } } else { throw new Error('Unable to get the datas'); } }因此,现在 itVolOne 函数以“同步方式”返回所有结果,其余函数可以重写: const itVolTwo = alldata3 => { return alldata3.rows.reduce((rdbmsData, row) => { rdbmsData[row[0]] = { "crit": row[1], "high": row[2], "med": row[3], "low": row[4] }; return rdbmsData; }, {}); } const itVolThree = alldata32 => { return alldata32.rows.reduce((presData, row) => { presData[row[0]] = { "crit": row[1], "high": row[2], "med": row[3], "low": row[4] }; return presData; }, {}); } const itVolFour = (rdbmsData, presData) => { function sum(a, b) { Object.keys(b).forEach(k => { if (b[k] && typeof b[k] === 'object') return sum(a[k] = a[k] || {}, b[k]); a[k] = (+a[k] || 0) + +b[k]; }); return a; } return [rdbmsData, presData].reduce(sum); }现在您只能在第一步中等待: async function itInit() { try { console.log('I got to the call YEY!'); const { alldata3, alldata32 } = await itVolOne(); const stepTwo = itVolTwo(alldata3); const stepThree = itVolThree(alldata32); const endData = itVolFour(stepTwo, stepThree); console.log(JSON.stringify(endData)); console.log('Done'); } catch (error) { console.log('u done f\'ed up'); } }并调用主函数:itInit();就这样。