我正在重构 react 文件中的一些代码,我有两个函数几乎可以做同样的事情……但是一个返回一个函数,另一个执行一些代码。
我现在不太擅长 ES6 和箭头功能。我不明白如何重构它。
switchEventSelectedSchedule = cb => option => {
// Mutate the state
() => ({
eventSelected: option.id,
isLoading: true
// Callback to fire when the state has been mutated with the new event id
async () => {
await this.longPollingAllMatches();
this.setState(() => ({
isLoading: false
const { currentRoundId, rounds } = this.state;
cb(rounds, currentRoundId);
switchEventSelectedRoundTable = option => {
// Mutate the state
() => ({
eventSelected: option.id,
isLoading: true
// Callback to fire when the state has been mutated with the new event id
async () => {
await this.longPollingAllMatches();
this.setState(() => ({
isLoading: false
在一种情况下(想象一下 if(schedule))我需要返回 cb 函数,否则我必须只执行其余的代码。
抱歉似乎很愚蠢,但我想我误解了 ES6 语法中的某些内容来实现这一目标....