EssayDemo.java:16: error: method setScore in class GradedActivity cannot be applied to given types;
termPaper.setScore(25.0, 18.0, 20.0, 25.0);
required: double
但是我所有的数据类型都设置为双倍,所以我不明白为什么会发生错误。我也无法更改演示代码。setScore 是在 GradedActivity 中创建的双精度值,但我也无法解决这个问题。作文课上有什么遗漏或不正确的地方?有人可以告诉我错误吗?
This program demonstrates a solution to
the Essay Class programming challenge.
public class EssayDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create an Essay object.
Essay termPaper = new Essay();
// Assign scores to the object.
// Grammer = 25 points, Spelling = 18 points,
// Length = 20 points, and Content = 25 points.
termPaper.setScore(25.0, 18.0, 20.0, 25.0);
// Display the score details.
System.out.println("Term paper:");
System.out.println("Grammar points: " + termPaper.getGrammar());
System.out.println("Spelling points: " + termPaper.getSpelling());
System.out.println("Length points: " + termPaper.getCorrectLength());
System.out.println("Content points: " + termPaper.getContent());
System.out.println("Total points: " + termPaper.getScore());
System.out.println("Grade: " + termPaper.getGrade());
The GradedActivity class stores data about a graded
activity for the Essay Class programming challenge.
public class GradedActivity
private double score; // Numeric score
The setScore method sets the score field.
@param s The value to store in score.
public void setScore(double s)
score = s;
The getScore method returns the score.
@return The value stored in the score field.
public double getScore()
return score;