在 Antlr4 中找不到符号

这是我的语法文件,这是我的 SimpleBaseListner.java 文件

// Generated from Simple.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.1

import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener;


 * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by

 * {@link SimpleParser}.


public interface SimpleListener extends ParseTreeListener {


 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#file}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void enterFile(SimpleParser.FileContext ctx);


 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#file}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void exitFile(SimpleParser.FileContext ctx);


 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#func}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void enterFunc(SimpleParser.FuncContext ctx);


 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#func}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void exitFunc(SimpleParser.FuncContext ctx);


 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#arg}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void enterArg(SimpleParser.ArgContext ctx);


 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#arg}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void exitArg(SimpleParser.ArgContext ctx);


 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#body}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


void enterBody(SimpleParser.BodyContext ctx);


 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link SimpleParser#body}.

 * @param ctx the parse tree


当我使用编译它时javac SimpleBaseListner.java,出现以下

我是 Antlr4 的新手,我不知道这里出了什么问题。虽然是说找不到符号,但是这个类型的Scope是在语法文件中定义的。因此,据我所知,它应该在 Antlr4 编译语法文件时定义。


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