* MadLib.java
* @author: Jackie Hirsch
* Assignment: Madlib
* Brief Program Description: This program has will read a madlib with
the inputs that the user gives the computer.
import javax.swing.JOptionPane; //import of JOptionPane
public class MadLib
public static void main (String[] args)
String cheeseType; //Cheese Character
String interjection; //interjection
String treeType; //tree type
String wholeNumberFriends; // number for number of friends on
//line 27
String numberMiles; //number of miles
int wholeNumberFriendsConverted; // number for number of
//friends on line 27 converted
double numberMilesConverted; //number of miles
//ask user for variable string cheese type
cheeseType = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter a type of
//ask user for varaible string interjection
interjection = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter an
//ask user for variable string tree type
treeType = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter a type of
//ask user for variable integer number for number of friends
wholeNumberFriends = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter a
whole number");
//ask user for variable double number for number of miles
numberMiles = JOptionPane.showInputDialog ("Enter a decimal or
whole number");
//string converted
wholeNumberFriends = Integer.parseInt
numberMiles = Integer.parseInt (numberMilesConverted);
**你好。这周我刚刚在高中计算机科学课上开始学习如何编写 Java 代码。我正在尝试将字符串转换为双精度和整数。我要转换的两个变量是 wholeNumberFriends(整数)和 numberMiles(双精度)。我为它们中的每一个都创建了一个新变量,以便它们可以轻松转换为双精度和整数。我不断收到此转换的错误是,类型不兼容: double 无法转换为 java.lang.String 。谢谢你。**