当然要表达all_others=[CD,CF,CG] #All, 1, 2 or none of these把它分解为all_others=[CD] #one or none of theseall_others=[CF] #one or none of theseall_others=[CG] #one or none of these然后你的代码变成from itertools import productfor choices in product(['AA','AS','AD',None],['BB', 'BC', None], ['CD', None], ['CF', None], ['CG', None],): print(' '.join(column for column in choices if column))这处理这个特殊的例子。但是,如果您有多个以 C 开头的项目,则可以按如下方式更系统地处理它们:from itertools import productfor choices in product(['AA','AS','AD',None],['BB', 'BC', None], *product(['CD', 'CF', 'CG'], [None]),): print(' '.join(column for column in choices if column))为了解释发生了什么,取['CD', 'CF', 'CG']with的乘积会[None]产生一个迭代器,其中包含('CD', None), ('CF', None), ('CG', None)这些正是我们希望传递给product 的*参数。运算符将迭代器内的元素转换为函数参数。因此上面的两个代码片段是等价的。
这是做你想要的那种事情的更强大/更通用的方法。我首先定义一个辅助函数:from itertools import combinations, chain, productdef subsets_of_length(s, lengths): return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s,l) for l in lengths)它产生以下输出:>>>> list(subsets_of_length(['a','b','c'], range(2,4)))[('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c'), ('a', 'b', 'c')]>>>> list(subsets_of_length(['d','e'], range(0,2)))[(), ('d',), ('e',)]现在我们要组合两个或多个子集如下>>>> for choices in product( subsets_of_length(['a','b','c'], range(2,4)), subsets_of_length(['d','e'], range(0,2)), ): print(' '.join(str(subset) for subset in choices))('a', 'b') ()('a', 'b') ('d',)('a', 'b') ('e',)('a', 'c') ()('a', 'c') ('d',)('a', 'c') ('e',)('b', 'c') ()('b', 'c') ('d',)('b', 'c') ('e',)('a', 'b', 'c') ()('a', 'b', 'c') ('d',)('a', 'b', 'c') ('e',)但是我们想将这些元组链接在一起。因此我们应该这样做>>>> for choices in map(chain.from_iterable,product( subsets_of_length(['a','b','c'], range(2,4)), subsets_of_length(['d','e'], range(0,2)), )): print(' '.join(column for column in choices if column))a ba b da b ea ca c da c eb cb c db c ea b ca b c da b c e您编辑的问题案例的代码是:for choices in map(chain.from_iterable,product( subsets_of_length(['AA','AS','AD'], [1]), #only one of these subsets_of_length(['BB','BC'], [1,2]), #at least one of these subsets_of_length(['CD','CF','CG'], [0,1,2,3]), #All, 1, 2 or none of these)): print(' '.join(column for column in choices if column))