查看http.Request您可以找到以下成员变量:// HTTP defines that header names are case-insensitive.// The request parser implements this by canonicalizing the// name, making the first character and any characters// following a hyphen uppercase and the rest lowercase.//// For client requests certain headers are automatically// added and may override values in Header.//// See the documentation for the Request.Write method.Header Header// RemoteAddr allows HTTP servers and other software to record// the network address that sent the request, usually for// logging. This field is not filled in by ReadRequest and// has no defined format. The HTTP server in this package// sets RemoteAddr to an "IP:port" address before invoking a// handler.// This field is ignored by the HTTP client.RemoteAddr string您可以使用RemoteAddr获取远程客户端的 IP 地址和端口(格式为“IP:port”),这是原始请求者或最后一个代理(例如位于您的服务器前面的负载均衡器)的地址。这就是你所拥有的一切。然后您可以调查不区分大小写的标题(根据上面的文档),这意味着您的所有示例都将工作并产生相同的结果:req.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For") // capitalisationreq.Header.Get("x-forwarded-for") // doesn'treq.Header.Get("X-FORWARDED-FOR") // matter这是因为内部http.Header.Get会为您规范密钥。(如果您想直接访问标头映射,而不是通过Get,则需要先使用http.CanonicalHeaderKey。)最后,"X-Forwarded-For"可能是您想要查看的字段,以便获取有关客户端 IP 的更多信息。这在很大程度上取决于远程端使用的 HTTP 软件,因为客户端可以根据需要在其中放置任何内容。另请注意,此字段的预期格式是逗号+空格分隔的 IP 地址列表。您需要稍微解析一下以获得您选择的单个 IP(可能是列表中的第一个 IP),例如:// Assuming format is as expectedips := strings.Split(",,", ", ")for _, ip := range ips { fmt.Println(ip)}将产生: