我的拟合方程。请注意积分中的“u”与上面定义的 u 不同。
顺便说一下,我的数据集以 mA/um 为单位。
我在函数F 中实现了这一点,它接受输入 Vd、T、r 和 Vt。T、r 和 Vt 是拟合参数。T 和 r 的范围从 0
from scipy import integrate
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
eSiO2 = 3.9 #Relative dielectric constant of SiO2
tox = 2e-9 #Gate oxide thickness in m
evac = 8.854e-12 #Vacuum permittivity, F/m
em = 0.2*9.11e-31 #Effective electron mass in kg
KT = 4.11e-21 #Thermal energy in joules
Mv = 2.5 #Degeneracy factor
q = 1.6e-19 #Electron charge, coulombs
hbar = 1.054e-34 #Reduced plancks constant
Vg = 1
def F(Vd,T,r,Vt):
#Derived constants required for computation
Ci = (eSiO2*evac)/tox #Oxide capacitance per area
ved = (q*r*Vd)/(KT) #little Vd
I0 = (np.sqrt(2)*q*(KT**1.5)*Mv*np.sqrt(em))/(np.pi*hbar)**2 #Leakage Current
rho1 = 2*np.pi*hbar**2*Ci
rho2 = q*KT*em*Mv
rhoV = Vg-Vt
rho = (rho1*rhoV)/rho2
UA = 1 + np.exp(ved)
UB = np.exp(ved)*(np.exp(rho)-1)
Usq = np.sqrt(UA**2+4*UB)
u = np.log(Usq-UA)-np.log(2)
#Integrand of F(u)
def integrand1(A,x):
return (np.sqrt(A))/(1+np.exp(A-x))
#Integrand of F(u-v)
def integrand2(A,x):
return (np.sqrt(A))/(1+np.exp(A-x))
sum1 = 0
sum2 = 0
#Tempx2 = dummy variable domain
tempx2 = np.linspace(0,100,num=10000)
#Fitting parameters are determined
if Ready is True:
#Evaluate the integrands for all the Vd values
tempy1 = integrand1(tempx2,u)
tempy2 = integrand2(tempx2,u-ved)