我想在本机 TextInput 中获得 JSON 响应。[我在本机应用程序中有 2 页。在第一页 ==> 我想要该 JSON 数据并导航到带有该 JSON 响应的第二页。
我使用 PHP 作为服务器端脚本语言。我的PHP代码是:
// Importing DBConfig.php file.
include 'DBConfig.php';
// Creating connection.
$con = mysqli_connect($HostName,$HostUser,$HostPass,$DatabaseName);
// Getting the received JSON into $json variable.
$json = file_get_contents('php://input');
// decoding the received JSON and store into $obj variable.
$obj = json_decode($json,true);
// Populate column from JSON $obj array and store into $coulmn.
$firstname = $obj['firstname'];
$lastname = $obj['lastname'];
//$mobileno = $obj['mobileno'];
$email = $obj['email'];
$profession = $obj['profession'];
$mobileno = '7874853188';
//Applying User Login query with mobile number match.
$Sql_Query = "select firstname,lastname,email,profession from member where mobileno = '$mobileno' ";
// Executing SQL Query.
$check = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,$Sql_Query));
$SuccessLoginMsg = 'Data Matched';
// Converting the message into JSON format.
$SuccessLoginJson = json_encode($SuccessLoginMsg);
$first_name = $check[0];
$last_name = $check[1];
$email = $check[2];
$profession = $check[3];
// Echo the message.
echo $SuccessLoginJson ;
// If the record inserted successfully then show the message.
$InvalidMSG = 'Enter valid phone number' ;
// Converting the message into JSON format.
$InvalidMSGJSon = json_encode($InvalidMSG);
// Echo the message.
echo $InvalidMSGJSon ;
上面的代码是 100% 正确的。[在网页上测试]
在我的本机代码中,首先我检查手机号码 => 如果手机号码正确[存在于数据库中],那么该用户可以使用该 JSON 响应转到下一页。