var myButton = document.getElementById('toggle_text')
var text = document.getElementById('original_text')
var truncate = function(elem, limit, after) {
// Make sure an element and number of items to truncate is provided
if (!elem || !limit) return;
// Get the inner content of the element
var content = elem.textContent.trim();
// Convert the content into an array of words
// Remove any words above the limit
content = content.split(' ').slice(0, limit);
// Convert the array of words back into a string
// If there's content to add after it, add it
content = content.join(' ') + (after ? after : '');
// Inject the content back into the DOM
elem.textContent = content;
var elem = document.querySelector('.truncate');
truncate(elem, 7, '...');
function switchText() {
<div class="truncate" id="original_text">
Port tender gun spanker lanyard heave to topmast. Heave down draught piracy loaded to the gunwalls mizzenmast topsail Brethren of the Coast. Lanyard snow Jack Ketch swing the lead maroon spike black jack.
<button id="toggle_text" onClick='switchText()'>Toggle Between truncate and Original Text</button>