print("This is Gomoku Deluxe!")
#starting off with tic-tac-toe
import os
#this is where the code for the game starts
board = []
for i in range(19):
board.append(["O"] * 19)
#function to print board
def print_board():
board = []
for i in range(19):
board.append(["O"] * 19)
for row in board:
print (row)
#function to place player piece
def drop_point(board, row, col, piece):
board[row][col] = piece
#function checks for empty spot
def valid_location(board, row, col):
return board[row][col] == 0
# this loop handles user's piece
turn = 0
game_over = False
while not game_over:
if turn == 0:
row = int(input("Player 1 Select a row: "))
col = int(input("Player 1 Select a col: "))
if valid_location(board, row, col):
drop_point(board, row, col, 1)
row1 = int(input("Player 2 Select a row: "))
col1 = int(input("Player 2 Select a col: "))
if valid_location(board, row1, col1):
drop_point(board, row1, col1, 2)
turn += 1
turn = turn % 2