我创建了一个 Sentinel 2 图像列表。我还从 DATATAKE_IDENTIFIER 字段中提取了日期值,并将其粘贴回我列表中每个图像的 ee.Date 类型的名为“DATE”的属性。现在,我正在尝试检索按时间顺序最接近用户指定的感兴趣日期的图像。例如,如果我的日期为:5 月 5 日、5 月 10 日、5 月 15 日、5 月 20 日,用户选择 14 日-我想在 5 月 15 日回来吗?有人可以帮忙吗?这是我的代码:
var startDate = ee.Date('2017-07-01');
var finishDate = ee.Date('2017-07-31');
//Create imageCollection with the sentinel2 data and the date filters
var interestImageCollection = ee.ImageCollection(sentinel2_1C_ImageCollection)
.filterBounds(interestRectangle) //changed here your geometrical shape
.filterDate(startDate, finishDate)
//function which will extract the date from the 'DATATAKE_IDENTIFIER' field and add it as a new one to every image
var add_date = function(interestImageCollection){
//iterate over the image Collection
//.map must always return something
return interestImageCollection.map(function(image){
//take the image property containing the date
var identifier = ee.String(image.get('DATATAKE_IDENTIFIER'));
var splitOn = "_|T";
var splitted = identifier.split(splitOn,"");
var date = ee.String(splitted.get(1));
var year = ee.Number.parse(date.slice(0,4));
var month = ee.Number.parse(date.slice(4,6));
var day = ee.Number.parse(date.slice(6,8));
var dateTaken = ee.Date.fromYMD(year, month, day);
return image.set('DATE',dateTaken);
//list conversion
var subList = interestImageCollection.toList(interestImageCollection.size());
//get the image with the chronologically closest date to my date of interest
var dateOfInterest = ee.Date('2017-07-10');
我还尝试将 sort 函数与自定义比较器一起使用,但效果不佳。
还有一些常规的 javascript(如最接近的)函数似乎在地球引擎中不起作用。