似乎“复杂”( getC) 函数被阻塞了。我假设通道一旦被读取就会被销毁,因此我想知道如何sC与getC函数和main函数共享通道而不会陷入死锁(当前片段)
package main
func main() {
//simple function and complex function/channel
sC := make(chan string)
go getS(sC)
cC := make(chan string)
go getC(sC, cC)
//collect the functions result
s := <-sC
//do something with `s`. We print but we may want to use it in a `func(s)`
//after a while we do soemthing with `c`
c := <-cC
func getS(sC chan string) {
s := " simple completed "
sC <- s
func getC(sC chan string, cC chan string) {
//we do some complex stuff
print("complex is not complicated\n")
//Now we need the simple value so we try wait for the s channel.
s := <-sC
c := s + " more "
cC <- c //send complex value