我希望根据使用泛型的输入从一个方法返回多个不同的 POJO 对象响应。POJO 不是层次结构的一部分,即是完全独立的 POJO
class A1 implements Serializable {
// Instance variable with getter and setter
class B1 implements Serializable {
// Instance variable with getter and setter
class XYZ {
private ObjA objA;
private ObjB objB;
public <T>Optional<T> getResponse(String input) {
if(input.equals("A")) {
return objA.getResponse(); // This returns an optional of POJO A1 or Optional.empty()
} else {
return objB.getResponse(); // This returns an optional of POJO B1 or Optional.empty()
但是我得到了错误 Incompatible types. Required Optional<T> but 'of' was inferred to Optional<T>: no instance(s) of type variable(s) exist so that A1 conforms to T inference variable T has incompatible bounds: equality constraints: T lower bounds: A1
我尝试将通用标签附加到 POJO 类定义,但无济于事。有人可以指出我哪里出错了吗?