您当前的代码无法编译,我认为您的意思是:switch (x){ case 0: x = x + 1; break; case 1: x = x + 2; break;}这只是我自己的疯狂猜测,但 switch 语句的其余部分可能如下所示:case 2: x = x + 3;break;case 3: x = x + 4;break;case 4: x = x + 5;break;您可以将整个事情简化为:x += x + 1如果我猜错了,您仍然可以尝试使用字典来简化它。下面是一个例子:// It could also be a Dictionary<int, Func<int, int>> or some other delegate// if you want to compute the value from "x" or execute some random codeDictionary<int, int> xDict = new Dictionary<int, int> { {0, <some value you want x to be>}, {1, <some value you want x to be>}, //...}x = xDict[x];