var ultUrls = [{
url: '',
name: 'pics/A bison in steam during winter at Yellowstone National Park.png'
}, {
url: '',
name: 'pics/Athens at night.jpg'
}, {
url: '',
name: 'pics/This is Rayne. Her favorite color is orange. Her job is a clown for the circus. Her motto is *honk honk*..jpg'
}, {
url: '',
name: 'pics/Reddit your input is greatly appreciated.png'
}, {
url: '',
name: 'pics/Cranberry lake Ontario.jpg'
}, {
url: '',
name: 'pics/Pics of insects are the best.jpg'
}, {
url: '',
name: 'pics/Elvis Presley during his service in the U.S. Army.jpg'
下载此数组中的文件时,我收到了 ENONENT:没有这样的文件或目录,请打开...
var downloadImages = function(callback) {
ultUrls.forEach( function(str) {
download_file_httpget(str.url,, function(){console.log('Finished Downloading' + filename)});
var download_file_httpget = function(url, dest, callback){
.on('error', function(err) {console.log(err)} )
.on('close', callback);