我是 Typescript 的新手,目前正在将我们的应用程序从 React JSX 转换为 TS,所以如果我误解了错误,请告诉我。
我得到Object is possibly 'undefined'一个prop string是从父母传下来的component。所述string被内限定INITIAL_STATE在`作为父
private static INITIAL_STATE = {
password: ''
这意味着子组件中的propforpassword永远不应该是undefined. 子组件是
interface InterfaceProps {
onlyOneLeft?: boolean;
isEnabled?: boolean;
signInMethod?: any;
onUnlink?: any;
password?: string;
passwordTwo?: string;
handleFormSubmit?: any;
handleInputChange?: any;
const ChildComponent = ({ password }: InterfaceProps): any => {
const regUpCase = new RegExp('^(?=.*[A-Z])');
const regLwCase = new RegExp('^(?=.*[a-z])');
const regDigit = new RegExp('^(?=.*[0-9])');
const regChar = new RegExp('^(?=.*[*@!#%&()^~{}_-])');
const pwLength = password.length >= 8;
const pwUpCase = regUpCase.test(password);
const pwLwCase = regLwCase.test(password);
const pwChar = regChar.test(password);
const pwDigit = regDigit.test(password);
const pwSpecial = pwChar || pwDigit;
const isInvalid =
!pwLength || !pwUpCase || !pwLwCase || !pwSpecial || password === '';
return isInvalid ? (
... // return when password isInvalid
) : (
... // return when password !isInvalid
ChildComponent.propTypes = {
password: PropTypes.string
export default ChildComponent;
OnpwLength我看到了Object is possibly 'undefined'on 的错误password prop。
对{ pwUpCase, pwLwCase, pwChar, pwDigit }在password prop我收到的错误Argument of type 'string | undefined' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'. Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'string'.
在这种情况下,我的想法是props password永远不会undefined因为它在父组件中具有初始state值''。