使用 Python 3:
def show_flashcard():
""" Show the user a random key and ask them
to define it. Show the definition
when the user presses return. it then asks if user
knew definition or not if they do delets the word and
then asks if they want to continue or quit.
random_key = choice(list(glossary))
print('Define: ', random_key)
input('Press return to see the definition')
import time
time.sleep(1) # delay for 1 seconds
print('Did you know the answer')
user_input = input('y or n: ')
if user_input == 'n':
print( 'Do not give up you can only learn by practice')
time.sleep(1) # delay for 1 seconds
user_input = input('Enter s to show a flashcard and q to quit: ')
if user_input == 'y':
print( 'Congratulations , the word wil now be removed from the dictionary')
del (glossary[random_key])
# Set up the glossary
glossary = {'1: word1':'definition1',
'2: word2':'definition2',
'3: word3':'definition3'}
# The interactive loop
exit = False
while not exit:
if glossary == {''}:
exit = True
user_input = input('Enter s to show a flashcard and q to quit: ')
if user_input == 'q':
exit = True
elif user_input == 's':
print('You need to enter either q or s.')
当词汇表为空时,我似乎无法让这个循环自动退出。我已经尝试了很多东西,从if glossary = 0 then exit is true,但我似乎无法到达任何地方。它让我发疯。