比方说,你有这两种型号:User与Role这使得许多一对多的关系。如果你正确定义了你的关系:/** User.php */public function roles(){ return $this->belongsToMany(Role::class);}——/** Role.php */public function users(){ return $this->belongsToMany(User::class);}然后你可以使用这种关系来完成你想要做的事情。从相关对象:$user = User::find(1);// getting all the roles attached with a user:$roles = $user->roles;// getting all the roles attached with a user that has certain ids:$roles = $user->roles()->whereIn('id', [2, 4, 6])->get();此外,您可以使用返回关系的集合实例找到所需的相关模型:$user = User::find(1);// getting all the roles attached with a user:$roles = $user->roles;// getting a specific role attached to a user:$specific_role = $roles->where('id', 6)->first();