while True: answer = input('Enter the current number of HP (1-75): ') try: # try to convert the answer to an integer hp_cur = int(answer) except ValueError: # if the input was not a number, print an error message and loop again print ('Please enter a number.') continue # if the number is in the correct range, stop looping if 1 <= hp_cur <= 75: break # otherwise print an error message, and we will loop around again print ('Please enter a number in the range 1 to 75.')
您可以检查输入,如果它不在限制内,您可以要求用户再次输入。你会用一个while循环来实现这一点。while True: try: hp_cur=int(input("Enter the current number of HP (1-75): ")) except ValueError: # used to check whether the input is an int print("please insert a int type number!") else: # is accessed if the input is a int if hp_cur < 1 or hp_cur > 75: print("please insert a number in the given limit") else: # if number is in limit, break the loop break 您可以对第二个所需的输入执行相同的操作,然后再进行比较。如果它是一个负数,您可以通过将两个“有效性检查”放在一个更大的while循环中来要求用户再次输入数字,break当返回的数字为正时。