在不关闭窗口的情况下刷新 tkinter 中的热图





    from tkinter import *

except ModuleNotFoundError:

    from tkinter import *  # Python 3

f = open('text.txt', 'r')

nodes_list = [[int(item) for item in line.split()] for line in f]

heat_map = nodes_list

heat_min = min(min(row) for row in heat_map)

heat_max = max(max(row) for row in heat_map)


palette = (0, 0, 1), (0, .5, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, .5, 0), (1, 0, 0)

def pseudocolor(value, minval, maxval, palette):

    """ Maps given value to a linearly interpolated palette color. """

    max_index = len(palette)-1

    # Convert value in range minval...maxval to the range 0..max_index.

    v = (float(value-minval) / (maxval-minval)) * max_index

    i = int(v); f = v-i  # Split into integer and fractional portions.

    c0r, c0g, c0b = palette[i]

    c1r, c1g, c1b = palette[min(i+1, max_index)]

    dr, dg, db = c1r-c0r, c1g-c0g, c1b-c0b

    return c0r+(f*dr), c0g+(f*dg), c0b+(f*db)  # Linear interpolation.

def colorize(value, minval, maxval, palette):

        """ Convert value to heatmap color and convert it to tkinter color. """

        color = (int(c*255) for c in pseudocolor(value, minval, maxval, palette))

        return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(*color)  # Convert to hex string.

root = Tk()


width, height = 500, 500  # Canvas size.

rows, cols = len(heat_map), len(heat_map[0])

rect_width, rect_height = width // rows, height // cols

border = 1  # Pixel width of border around each.

canvas = Canvas(root, width=width, height=height)

canvas.pack()#goruntuyu gosteren kisim

text.txt 是这样的。

22 5 9 15 22 20 20 20

22 33 32 15 22 22 20 20

23 34 33 15 22 22 20 20

25 35 35 15 22 25 20 20

12 15 35 15 10 5 20 20

15 40 33 15 3 5 20 15

16 32 25 15 12 22 50 15

13 32 31 15 5 22 23 13

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在这里试试这个。将此函数添加到您的代码中。def repeat():    global f     f = open('text.txt', 'r')    # This function will be called every 100millisecs     root.after(100, repeat) 并root.mainloop()像这样调用它。root.after(100, repeat)root.mainloop()

