不幸的是,在当前的实现中,该with-device语句不能以这种方式工作,它只能用于在 cuda 设备之间切换。您仍然必须使用该device参数来指定使用哪个设备(或.cuda()将张量移动到指定的 GPU),在以下情况下使用如下术语:# allocates a tensor on GPU 1a = torch.tensor([1., 2.], device=cuda)所以要访问cuda:1:cuda = torch.device('cuda')with torch.cuda.device(1): # allocates a tensor on GPU 1 a = torch.tensor([1., 2.], device=cuda)并访问cuda:2:cuda = torch.device('cuda')with torch.cuda.device(2): # allocates a tensor on GPU 2 a = torch.tensor([1., 2.], device=cuda)但是没有device参数的张量仍然是 CPU 张量:cuda = torch.device('cuda')with torch.cuda.device(1): # allocates a tensor on CPU a = torch.tensor([1., 2.])把它们加起来:不 - 不幸的是,在当前的with-device 语句实现中,无法以您在问题中描述的方式使用。以下是文档中的更多示例:cuda = torch.device('cuda') # Default CUDA devicecuda0 = torch.device('cuda:0')cuda2 = torch.device('cuda:2') # GPU 2 (these are 0-indexed)x = torch.tensor([1., 2.], device=cuda0)# x.device is device(type='cuda', index=0)y = torch.tensor([1., 2.]).cuda()# y.device is device(type='cuda', index=0)with torch.cuda.device(1): # allocates a tensor on GPU 1 a = torch.tensor([1., 2.], device=cuda) # transfers a tensor from CPU to GPU 1 b = torch.tensor([1., 2.]).cuda() # a.device and b.device are device(type='cuda', index=1) # You can also use ``Tensor.to`` to transfer a tensor: b2 = torch.tensor([1., 2.]).to(device=cuda) # b.device and b2.device are device(type='cuda', index=1) c = a + b # c.device is device(type='cuda', index=1) z = x + y # z.device is device(type='cuda', index=0) # even within a context, you can specify the device # (or give a GPU index to the .cuda call) d = torch.randn(2, device=cuda2) e = torch.randn(2).to(cuda2) f = torch.randn(2).cuda(cuda2) # d.device, e.device, and f.device are all device(type='cuda', index=2)