比较两个名为target的变量,并使用Python 3猜测一个是整数,一个是字符串。
import random
import sys
target = random.randint(1, 20)
name = input ('Hello, what is your name?')
print ('Hello, %s. I am thinking of a number from 1 to 20. You will have 3 tries, and after each try, I will tell you if the number that I am thinking of is lower or higher. Try to guess it!' % name)
guess = input ('What number do you think I am thinking of?')
if guess == target:
print ('Congratulations! You won! Please play again!')
print ('You did not guess the number correctly.')
if target < guess:
print ('The number that I am thinking of is smaller than your guess. Try again')
print ('The number that I am thinking of is larger than your guess. Try again!')