*碰撞* Windows 10!在您的所有帮助下,以及Virgil Dupras的send2trash:我只使用以下方法制作了香草Python版本ctypes:import osimport ctypesfrom ctypes import wintypesclass _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("hwnd", wintypes.HWND), ("wFunc", wintypes.UINT), ("pFrom", wintypes.LPCWSTR), ("pTo", wintypes.LPCWSTR), ("fFlags", ctypes.c_uint), ("fAnyOperationsAborted", wintypes.BOOL), ("hNameMappings", ctypes.c_uint), ("lpszProgressTitle", wintypes.LPCWSTR)]def win_shell_copy(src, dst): """ :param str src: Source path to copy from. Must exist! :param str dst: Destination path to copy to. Will be created on demand. :return: Success of the operation. False means is was aborted! :rtype: bool """ if not os.path.exist(src): print('No such source "%s"' % src) return False src_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(src, len(src) + 2) dst_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(dst, len(dst) + 2) fileop = _SHFILEOPSTRUCTW() fileop.hwnd = 0 fileop.wFunc = 2 # FO_COPY fileop.pFrom = wintypes.LPCWSTR(ctypes.addressof(src_buffer)) fileop.pTo = wintypes.LPCWSTR(ctypes.addressof(dst_buffer)) fileop.fFlags = 512 # FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR fileop.fAnyOperationsAborted = 0 fileop.hNameMappings = 0 fileop.lpszProgressTitle = None result = ctypes.windll.shell32.SHFileOperationW(ctypes.byref(fileop)) return not result✔在src和dst路径较长的Python 3.7和2.7上进行了测试。