我通常不会为人们编写完整的示例程序,但是您并不需要它,这是一个非常简单的程序,因此,您可以执行以下操作:#!/usr/bin/env python3import osimport sysimport psycopg2import argparsedb_conn_str = "dbname=regress user=craig"create_table_stm = """CREATE TABLE files ( id serial primary key, orig_filename text not null, file_data bytea not null)"""def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser_action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) parser_action.add_argument("--store", action='store_const', const=True, help="Load an image from the named file and save it in the DB") parser_action.add_argument("--fetch", type=int, help="Fetch an image from the DB and store it in the named file, overwriting it if it exists. Takes the database file identifier as an argument.", metavar='42') parser.add_argument("filename", help="Name of file to write to / fetch from") args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) conn = psycopg2.connect(db_conn_str) curs = conn.cursor() # Ensure DB structure is present curs.execute("SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = %s AND table_name = %s", ('public','files')) result = curs.fetchall() if len(result) == 0: curs.execute(create_table_stm) # and run the command if args.store: # Reads the whole file into memory. If you want to avoid that, # use large object storage instead of bytea; see the psycopg2 # and postgresql documentation. f = open(args.filename,'rb') # The following code works as-is in Python 3. # # In Python 2, you can't just pass a 'str' directly, as psycopg2 # will think it's an encoded text string, not raw bytes. You must # either use psycopg2.Binary to wrap it, or load the data into a # "bytearray" object. # # so either: # # filedata = psycopg2.Binary( f.read() ) # # or # # filedata = buffer( f.read() ) # filedata = f.read() curs.execute("INSERT INTO files(id, orig_filename, file_data) VALUES (DEFAULT,%s,%s) RETURNING id", (args.filename, filedata)) returned_id = curs.fetchone()[0] f.close() conn.commit() print("Stored {0} into DB record {1}".format(args.filename, returned_id)) elif args.fetch is not None: # Fetches the file from the DB into memory then writes it out. # Same as for store, to avoid that use a large object. f = open(args.filename,'wb') curs.execute("SELECT file_data, orig_filename FROM files WHERE id = %s", (int(args.fetch),)) (file_data, orig_filename) = curs.fetchone() # In Python 3 this code works as-is. # In Python 2, you must get the str from the returned buffer object. f.write(file_data) f.close() print("Fetched {0} into file {1}; original filename was {2}".format(args.fetch, args.filename, orig_filename)) conn.close()if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv)用Python 3.3编写。使用Python 2.7要求您读取文件并转换为buffer对象或使用大对象函数。转换为Python 2.6及更早版本需要安装argparse,可能还需要进行其他更改。如果要进行测试运行,则需要将数据库连接字符串更改为适合您的系统的字符串。如果要处理大图像,请考虑使用psycopg2的大对象支持而不是bytea-特别是lo_import用于存储,lo_export直接写入文件,以及使用大对象读取功能一次读取小块图像。