function get_selection(the_id){ var e = document.getElementById(the_id); //Mozilla and DOM 3.0 if('selectionStart' in e) { var l = e.selectionEnd - e.selectionStart; return { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd, length: l, text: e.value.substr(e.selectionStart, l) }; } //IE else if(document.selection) { e.focus(); var r = document.selection.createRange(); var tr = e.createTextRange(); var tr2 = tr.duplicate(); tr2.moveToBookmark(r.getBookmark()); tr.setEndPoint('EndToStart',tr2); if (r == null || tr == null) return { start: e.value.length, end: e.value.length, length: 0, text: '' }; var text_part = r.text.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'.'); //for some reason IE doesn't always count the \n and \r in the length var text_whole = e.value.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'.'); var the_start = text_whole.indexOf(text_part,tr.text.length); return { start: the_start, end: the_start + text_part.length, length: text_part.length, text: r.text }; } //Browser not supported else return { start: e.value.length, end: e.value.length, length: 0, text: '' };}function replace_selection(the_id,replace_str){ var e = document.getElementById(the_id); selection = get_selection(the_id); var start_pos = selection.start; var end_pos = start_pos + replace_str.length; e.value = e.value.substr(0, start_pos) + replace_str + e.value.substr(selection.end, e.value.length); set_selection(the_id,start_pos,end_pos); return {start: start_pos, end: end_pos, length: replace_str.length, text: replace_str};}function set_selection(the_id,start_pos,end_pos){ var e = document.getElementById(the_id); //Mozilla and DOM 3.0 if('selectionStart' in e) { e.focus(); e.selectionStart = start_pos; e.selectionEnd = end_pos; } //IE else if(document.selection) { e.focus(); var tr = e.createTextRange(); //Fix IE from counting the newline characters as two seperate characters var stop_it = start_pos; for (i=0; i < stop_it; i++) if( e.value[i].search(/[\r\n]/) != -1 ) start_pos = start_pos - .5; stop_it = end_pos; for (i=0; i < stop_it; i++) if( e.value[i].search(/[\r\n]/) != -1 ) end_pos = end_pos - .5; tr.moveEnd('textedit',-1); tr.moveStart('character',start_pos); tr.moveEnd('character',end_pos - start_pos); tr.select(); } return get_selection(the_id);}function wrap_selection(the_id, left_str, right_str, sel_offset, sel_length){ var the_sel_text = get_selection(the_id).text; var selection = replace_selection(the_id, left_str + the_sel_text + right_str ); if(sel_offset !== undefined && sel_length !== undefined) selection = set_selection(the_id, selection.start + sel_offset, selection.start + sel_offset + sel_length); else if(the_sel_text == '') selection = set_selection(the_id, selection.start + left_str.length, selection.start + left_str.length); return selection;}
我刚刚采用了user357565提出的解决方案,并对jQuery直接使用进行了重新编码:(function ($) { $.fn.get_selection = function () { var e = this.get(0); //Mozilla and DOM 3.0 if('selectionStart' in e) { var l = e.selectionEnd - e.selectionStart; return { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd, length: l, text: e.value.substr(e.selectionStart, l) }; } else if(document.selection) { //IE e.focus(); var r = document.selection.createRange(); var tr = e.createTextRange(); var tr2 = tr.duplicate(); tr2.moveToBookmark(r.getBookmark()); tr.setEndPoint('EndToStart',tr2); if (r == null || tr == null) return { start: e.value.length, end: e.value.length, length: 0, text: '' }; var text_part = r.text.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'.'); //for some reason IE doesn't always count the \n and \r in length var text_whole = e.value.replace(/[\r\n]/g,'.'); var the_start = text_whole.indexOf(text_part,tr.text.length); return { start: the_start, end: the_start + text_part.length, length: text_part.length, text: r.text }; } //Browser not supported else return { start: e.value.length, end: e.value.length, length: 0, text: '' }; }; $.fn.set_selection = function (start_pos,end_pos) { var e = this.get(0); //Mozilla and DOM 3.0 if('selectionStart' in e) { e.focus(); e.selectionStart = start_pos; e.selectionEnd = end_pos; } else if (document.selection) { //IE e.focus(); var tr = e.createTextRange(); //Fix IE from counting the newline characters as two seperate characters var stop_it = start_pos; for (i=0; i < stop_it; i++) if( e.value[i].search(/[\r\n]/) != -1 ) start_pos = start_pos - .5; stop_it = end_pos; for (i=0; i < stop_it; i++) if( e.value[i].search(/[\r\n]/) != -1 ) end_pos = end_pos - .5; tr.moveEnd('textedit',-1); tr.moveStart('character',start_pos); tr.moveEnd('character',end_pos - start_pos); tr.select(); } return this.get_selection(); }; $.fn.replace_selection = function (replace_str) { var e = this.get(0); selection = this.get_selection(); var start_pos = selection.start; var end_pos = start_pos + replace_str.length; e.value = e.value.substr(0, start_pos) + replace_str + e.value.substr(selection.end, e.value.length); this.set_selection(start_pos,end_pos); return {start: start_pos, end: end_pos, length: replace_str.length, text: replace_str}; }; $.fn.wrap_selection = function (left_str, right_str, sel_offset, sel_length) { var the_sel_text = this.get_selection().text; var selection = this.replace_selection(left_str + the_sel_text + right_str ); if(sel_offset !== undefined && sel_length !== undefined) selection = this.set_selection(selection.start + sel_offset, selection.start + sel_offset + sel_length); else if(the_sel_text == '') selection = this.set_selection(selection.start + left_str.length, selection.start + left_str.length); return selection; };}(jQuery));我希望有人觉得它有用!