该站点解释了物理原理,推导了算法,并提供了2D球碰撞的代码。此函数计算以下内容后计算八分圆:碰撞点相对于物体质心的位置a;碰撞点相对于质心a的位置/**This function calulates the velocities after a 2D collision vaf, vbf, waf and wbf from information about the colliding bodies@param double e coefficient of restitution which depends on the nature of the two colliding materials@param double ma total mass of body a@param double mb total mass of body b@param double Ia inertia for body a.@param double Ib inertia for body b.@param vector ra position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body a in absolute coordinates (if this is known in local body coordinates it must be converted before this is called).@param vector rb position of collision point relative to centre of mass of body b in absolute coordinates (if this is known in local body coordinates it must be converted before this is called).@param vector n normal to collision point, the line along which the impulse acts.@param vector vai initial velocity of centre of mass on object a@param vector vbi initial velocity of centre of mass on object b@param vector wai initial angular velocity of object a@param vector wbi initial angular velocity of object b@param vector vaf final velocity of centre of mass on object a@param vector vbf final velocity of centre of mass on object a@param vector waf final angular velocity of object a@param vector wbf final angular velocity of object b*/CollisionResponce(double e,double ma,double mb,matrix Ia,matrix Ib,vector ra,vector rb,vector n, vector vai, vector vbi, vector wai, vector wbi, vector vaf, vector vbf, vector waf, vector wbf) { double k=1/(ma*ma)+ 2/(ma*mb) +1/(mb*mb) - ra.x*ra.x/(ma*Ia) - rb.x*rb.x/(ma*Ib) - ra.y*ra.y/(ma*Ia) - ra.y*ra.y/(mb*Ia) - ra.x*ra.x/(mb*Ia) - rb.x*rb.x/(mb*Ib) - rb.y*rb.y/(ma*Ib) - rb.y*rb.y/(mb*Ib) + ra.y*ra.y*rb.x*rb.x/(Ia*Ib) + ra.x*ra.x*rb.y*rb.y/(Ia*Ib) - 2*ra.x*ra.y*rb.x*rb.y/(Ia*Ib); double Jx = (e+1)/k * (Vai.x - Vbi.x)( 1/ma - ra.x*ra.x/Ia + 1/mb - rb.x*rb.x/Ib) - (e+1)/k * (Vai.y - Vbi.y) (ra.x*ra.y / Ia + rb.x*rb.y / Ib); double Jy = - (e+1)/k * (Vai.x - Vbi.x) (ra.x*ra.y / Ia + rb.x*rb.y / Ib) + (e+1)/k * (Vai.y - Vbi.y) ( 1/ma - ra.y*ra.y/Ia + 1/mb - rb.y*rb.y/Ib); Vaf.x = Vai.x - Jx/Ma; Vaf.y = Vai.y - Jy/Ma; Vbf.x = Vbi.x - Jx/Mb; Vbf.y = Vbi.y - Jy/Mb; waf.x = wai.x - (Jx*ra.y - Jy*ra.x) /Ia; waf.y = wai.y - (Jx*ra.y - Jy*ra.x) /Ia; wbf.x = wbi.x - (Jx*rb.y - Jy*rb.x) /Ib; wbf.y = wbi.y - (Jx*rb.y - Jy*rb.x) /Ib;}