这是一个处理*和?的简单Glob实现。在模式中public class GlobMatch { private String text; private String pattern; public boolean match(String text, String pattern) { this.text = text; this.pattern = pattern; return matchCharacter(0, 0); } private boolean matchCharacter(int patternIndex, int textIndex) { if (patternIndex >= pattern.length()) { return false; } switch(pattern.charAt(patternIndex)) { case '?': // Match any character if (textIndex >= text.length()) { return false; } break; case '*': // * at the end of the pattern will match anything if (patternIndex + 1 >= pattern.length() || textIndex >= text.length()) { return true; } // Probe forward to see if we can get a match while (textIndex < text.length()) { if (matchCharacter(patternIndex + 1, textIndex)) { return true; } textIndex++; } return false; default: if (textIndex >= text.length()) { return false; } String textChar = text.substring(textIndex, textIndex + 1); String patternChar = pattern.substring(patternIndex, patternIndex + 1); // Note the match is case insensitive if (textChar.compareToIgnoreCase(patternChar) != 0) { return false; } } // End of pattern and text? if (patternIndex + 1 >= pattern.length() && textIndex + 1 >= text.length()) { return true; } // Go on to match the next character in the pattern return matchCharacter(patternIndex + 1, textIndex + 1); }}