虽然大多数用户已经给出了答案,但是我想为需要它的人添加一个示例,以解释这个想法:假设您有一个像以下这样的班级人员:public class Person implements java.io.Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String firstName; public String lastName; public int age; public String address; public void play() { System.out.println(String.format( "If I win, send me the trophy to this address: %s", address)); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format(".....Person......\nFirst Name = %s\nLast Name = %s", firstName, lastName); }}然后创建一个像这样的对象:Person william = new Person(); william.firstName = "William"; william.lastName = "Kinaan"; william.age = 26; william.address = "Lisbon, Portugal";您可以将该对象序列化为许多流。我将对两个流执行此操作:序列化到标准输出:public static void serializeToStandardOutput(Person person) throws IOException { OutputStream outStream = System.out; ObjectOutputStream stdObjectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(outStream); stdObjectOut.writeObject(person); stdObjectOut.close(); outStream.close(); }序列化到文件:public static void serializeToFile(Person person) throws IOException { OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream("person.ser"); ObjectOutputStream fileObjectOut = new ObjectOutputStream(outStream); fileObjectOut.writeObject(person); fileObjectOut.close(); outStream.close(); }然后:从文件反序列化:public static void deserializeFromFile() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("person.ser"); ObjectInputStream fileObjectIn = new ObjectInputStream(inStream); Person person = (Person) fileObjectIn.readObject(); System.out.println(person); fileObjectIn.close(); inStream.close(); }