仅仅因为先前的答案不符合我的需求,所以我分享了一些棘手的版本,以使用项目类和aar / jar依赖项生成一个jar。// A tricky jar operation, we want to generate a jar files that contains only the required classes used.// Dependencies are in jar and aar, so we need to open the aar to extract the classes and put all at the same level// (aar is a zip that contains classes.jar, the latter is a zip that contains .class files)task jar(type: Jar) { from { List<File> allFiles = new ArrayList<>(); configurations.compile.collect { for (File f : zipTree(it).getFiles()) { if (f.getName().equals("classes.jar")) { allFiles.addAll(zipTree(f).getAt("asFileTrees").get(0).getDir()) } } } allFiles.add(new File('build/intermediates/classes/release')) allFiles // To return the result inside a lambda } archiveName( project.ext.appName + '.jar' )}这不能管理构建类型/风格,但是可以进行修改(可以在没有味道的情况下构建构建版本是可以的)。如果您有更聪明或更优雅的解决方案,请分享