using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
using (SqlConnection conn = ConnectToDB())
// Q1: Is connection automatically enlisted in transaction? (Yes?)
// Q2: If I open (and run commands on) a second connection now,
// with an identical connection string,
// what, if any, is the relationship of this second connection to the first?
// Q3: Will this second connection's automatic enlistment
// in the current transaction scope cause the transaction to be
// escalated to a distributed transaction? (Yes?)
//Assume no ambient transaction active now
SqlConnection new_or_existing_connection = ConnectToDB(); //or passed in as method parameter
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
// Connection was opened before transaction scope was created
// Q4: If I start executing commands on the connection now,
// will it automatically become enlisted in the current transaction scope? (No?)
// Q5: If not enlisted, will commands I execute on the connection now
// participate in the ambient transaction? (No?)
// Q6: If commands on this connection are
// not participating in the current transaction, will they be committed
// even if rollback the current transaction scope? (Yes?)
// If my thoughts are correct, all of the above is disturbing,
// because it would look like I'm executing commands
// in a transaction scope, when in fact I'm not at all,
// until I do the following...
// Now enlisting existing connection in current transaction