请参阅我对如何避免JFrame EXIT_ON_CLOSE操作退出整个应用程序的答复?。编辑1:链接的源。演示如何使用SecurityManager来预防System.exit(n)。import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;import java.security.Permission;/** NoExit demonstrates how to prevent 'child'applications from ending the VM with a callto System.exit(0).@author Andrew Thompson */public class NoExit extends Frame implements ActionListener { Button frameLaunch = new Button("Frame"), exitLaunch = new Button("Exit"); /** Stores a reference to the original security manager. */ ExitManager sm; public NoExit() { super("Launcher Application"); sm = new ExitManager( System.getSecurityManager() ); System.setSecurityManager(sm); setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1)); frameLaunch.addActionListener(this); exitLaunch.addActionListener(this); add( frameLaunch ); add( exitLaunch ); pack(); setSize( getPreferredSize() ); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { if ( ae.getSource()==frameLaunch ) { TargetFrame tf = new TargetFrame(); } else { // change back to the standard SM that allows exit. System.setSecurityManager( sm.getOriginalSecurityManager() ); // exit the VM when *we* want System.exit(0); } } public static void main(String[] args) { NoExit ne = new NoExit(); ne.setVisible(true); }}/** This example frame attempts to System.exit(0)on closing, we must prevent it from doing so. */class TargetFrame extends Frame { static int x=0, y=0; TargetFrame() { super("Close Me!"); add(new Label("Hi!")); addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we) { System.out.println("Bye!"); System.exit(0); } }); pack(); setSize( getPreferredSize() ); setLocation(++x*10,++y*10); setVisible(true); }}/** Our custom ExitManager does not allow the VMto exit, but does allow itself to be replaced bythe original security manager.@author Andrew Thompson */class ExitManager extends SecurityManager { SecurityManager original; ExitManager(SecurityManager original) { this.original = original; } /** Deny permission to exit the VM. */ public void checkExit(int status) { throw( new SecurityException() ); } /** Allow this security manager to be replaced, if fact, allow pretty much everything. */ public void checkPermission(Permission perm) { } public SecurityManager getOriginalSecurityManager() { return original; }}