我的解决方案与Teoman Shipahi自2015年8月以来的出色回答相同。我有一个Web服务,该服务返回一组JSON数据,但是实际的列可能会随时间变化。我想做的是在jqGrid中隐藏一些JSON列,并根据此特定JSON字段是否为重要字段之一(在本例中为SegmentName)来设置某些列的宽度。这是我想出的:$(function () { // Load the JSON data we'll need to populate our jqGrid // ID of a [Segment_Set] record in our database (which our web service will load the data for. var SegmentSetId = 12345; $.ajax( { type: "GET", url: "/Service1.svc/LoadSegmentAttributes/" + SegmentSetId, dataType: "json", success: function (JSONdata) { // // Work through our JSON data, and create the two arrays needed by jqGrid // to display this dynamic data. // var listOfColumnModels = []; var listOfColumnNames = []; for (var prop in JSONdata[0]) { if (JSONdata[0].hasOwnProperty(prop)) { // We have found one property (field) in our JSON data. // Add a column to the list of Columns which we want our jqGrid to display listOfColumnNames.push(prop); // How do we want this field to be displayed in our jqGrid ? var bHidden = (prop == "SegmentID") || (prop == "SegmentSequenceInx"); var columnWidth = (prop == "SegmentName") ? 200 : 50; listOfColumnModels.push({ name: prop, width: columnWidth, sortable: true, hidden: bHidden }); } } // Now we have our JSON data, and list of Column Headings and Models, we can create our jqGrid. CreateJQGrid(JSONdata, listOfColumnModels, listOfColumnNames); } });});这是创建jqGrid的函数:function CreateJQGrid(JSONdata, listOfColumnModels, listOfColumnNames) { // After loading the JSON data from our webservice, and establishing the list of // Column Names & Models, we can call this function to create the jqGrid. $("#SegmentRulesGrid").jqGrid({ datatype: "local", data: JSONdata, localReader: { id: "SegmentID", // The Primary Key field in our JSONdata repeatitems: false }, mtype: "GET", colNames: listOfColumnNames, colModel: listOfColumnModels, rowNum: 15, loadonce: true, gridview: true, autowidth: true, height: 350, pager: '#pager', rowList: [15, 30, 100, 300], rownumbers: true, viewrecords: true, caption: 'Segment Rules', });}希望这可以帮助。显然,我的解决方案的一个缺点是,它坚持要求您在将所有 JSON数据显示在网格中之前先加载所有 JSON数据,而不是一次仅加载一页数据。如果您有大量数据,这可能是个问题。
另一个解决方案; $("#datagrid").jqGrid({ //url: "user.json", //datatype: "json", datatype: "local", data: dataArray, colNames:getColNames(dataArray[0]), colModel:getColModels(dataArray[0]), rowNum:100, loadonce: true, pager: '#navGrid', sortname: 'SongId', sortorder: "asc", height: "auto", //210, width:"auto", viewrecords: true, caption:"JQ GRID" }); function getColNames(data) { var keys = []; for(var key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { keys.push(key); } } return keys; } function getColModels(data) { var colNames= getColNames(data); var colModelsArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < colNames.length; i++) { var str; if (i === 0) { str = { name: colNames[i], index:colNames[i], key:true, editable:true }; } else { str = { name: colNames[i], index:colNames[i], editable:true }; } colModelsArray.push(str); } return colModelsArray; }