最好的工具是递归,而不是正则表达式。基本思想是从字符串的开头开始寻找一个单词,然后从字符串的其余部分开始寻找另一个单词,依此类推,直到到达字符串的末尾。递归解决方案是很自然的,因为当字符串的给定其余部分不能分解为一组单词时,需要进行回溯。下面的解决方案使用词典来确定什么是单词,并在找到它们时打印出解决方案(一些字符串可以分解为多个可能的单词组,例如wickedweather可以解析为“对我们不利”)。如果您只想要一组单词,则需要确定选择最佳单词的规则,#!/usr/bin/perluse strict;my $WORD_FILE = '/usr/share/dict/words'; #Change as neededmy %words; # Hash of words in dictionary# Open dictionary, load words into hashopen(WORDS, $WORD_FILE) or die "Failed to open dictionary: $!\n";while (<WORDS>) { chomp; $words{lc($_)} = 1;}close(WORDS);# Read one line at a time from stdin, break into wordswhile (<>) { chomp; my @words; find_words(lc($_));}sub find_words { # Print every way $string can be parsed into whole words my $string = shift; my @words = @_; my $length = length $string; foreach my $i ( 1 .. $length ) { my $word = substr $string, 0, $i; my $remainder = substr $string, $i, $length - $i; # Some dictionaries contain each letter as a word next if ($i == 1 && ($word ne "a" && $word ne "i")); if (defined($words{$word})) { push @words, $word; if ($remainder eq "") { print join(' ', @words), "\n"; return; } else { find_words($remainder, @words); } pop @words; } } return;}