根据您的需求,可以使用简单的分而治之策略。它的收敛速度不会像其他方法那样快,但是对于新手来说可能更容易理解。另外,由于它是O(log n)算法(每次迭代将搜索空间减半),所以32位浮点数的最坏情况是32次迭代。假设您想要62.104的平方根。您选择一个介于0和那个之间的值,并将其平方。如果平方比您的数字高,则需要专注于小于中点的数字。如果太低,则专注于较高的那些。使用真实的数学运算,您可以将搜索空间永远永远分成两部分(如果没有合理的平方根)。实际上,计算机最终将失去精度,您将获得近似值。以下C程序说明了这一点:#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { float val, low, high, mid, oldmid, midsqr; int step = 0; // Get argument, force to non-negative. if (argc < 2) { printf ("Usage: sqrt <number>\n"); return 1; } val = fabs (atof (argv[1])); // Set initial bounds and print heading. low = 0; high = mid = val; oldmid = -1; printf ("%4s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %s\n", "Step", "Number", "Low", "High", "Mid", "Square", "Result"); // Keep going until accurate enough. while (fabs(oldmid - mid) >= 0.00001) { oldmid = mid; // Get midpoint and see if we need lower or higher. mid = (high + low) / 2; midsqr = mid * mid; printf ("%4d %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f ", ++step, val, low, high, mid, midsqr); if (mid * mid > val) { high = mid; printf ("- too high\n"); } else { low = mid; printf ("- too low\n"); } } // Desired accuracy reached, print it. printf ("sqrt(%.4f) = %.4f\n", val, mid); return 0;}这是几次运行,因此希望您能了解其工作原理。对于77:pax> sqrt 77Step Number Low High Mid Square Result 1 77.0000 0.0000 77.0000 38.5000 1482.2500 - too high 2 77.0000 0.0000 38.5000 19.2500 370.5625 - too high 3 77.0000 0.0000 19.2500 9.6250 92.6406 - too high 4 77.0000 0.0000 9.6250 4.8125 23.1602 - too low 5 77.0000 4.8125 9.6250 7.2188 52.1104 - too low 6 77.0000 7.2188 9.6250 8.4219 70.9280 - too low 7 77.0000 8.4219 9.6250 9.0234 81.4224 - too high 8 77.0000 8.4219 9.0234 8.7227 76.0847 - too low 9 77.0000 8.7227 9.0234 8.8730 78.7310 - too high 10 77.0000 8.7227 8.8730 8.7979 77.4022 - too high 11 77.0000 8.7227 8.7979 8.7603 76.7421 - too low 12 77.0000 8.7603 8.7979 8.7791 77.0718 - too high 13 77.0000 8.7603 8.7791 8.7697 76.9068 - too low 14 77.0000 8.7697 8.7791 8.7744 76.9893 - too low 15 77.0000 8.7744 8.7791 8.7767 77.0305 - too high 16 77.0000 8.7744 8.7767 8.7755 77.0099 - too high 17 77.0000 8.7744 8.7755 8.7749 76.9996 - too low 18 77.0000 8.7749 8.7755 8.7752 77.0047 - too high 19 77.0000 8.7749 8.7752 8.7751 77.0022 - too high 20 77.0000 8.7749 8.7751 8.7750 77.0009 - too high 21 77.0000 8.7749 8.7750 8.7750 77.0002 - too high 22 77.0000 8.7749 8.7750 8.7750 76.9999 - too low 23 77.0000 8.7750 8.7750 8.7750 77.0000 - too lowsqrt(77.0000) = 8.7750对于62.104:pax> sqrt 62.104Step Number Low High Mid Square Result 1 62.1040 0.0000 62.1040 31.0520 964.2267 - too high 2 62.1040 0.0000 31.0520 15.5260 241.0567 - too high 3 62.1040 0.0000 15.5260 7.7630 60.2642 - too low 4 62.1040 7.7630 15.5260 11.6445 135.5944 - too high 5 62.1040 7.7630 11.6445 9.7037 94.1628 - too high 6 62.1040 7.7630 9.7037 8.7334 76.2718 - too high 7 62.1040 7.7630 8.7334 8.2482 68.0326 - too high 8 62.1040 7.7630 8.2482 8.0056 64.0895 - too high 9 62.1040 7.7630 8.0056 7.8843 62.1621 - too high 10 62.1040 7.7630 7.8843 7.8236 61.2095 - too low 11 62.1040 7.8236 7.8843 7.8540 61.6849 - too low 12 62.1040 7.8540 7.8843 7.8691 61.9233 - too low 13 62.1040 7.8691 7.8843 7.8767 62.0426 - too low 14 62.1040 7.8767 7.8843 7.8805 62.1024 - too low 15 62.1040 7.8805 7.8843 7.8824 62.1323 - too high 16 62.1040 7.8805 7.8824 7.8815 62.1173 - too high 17 62.1040 7.8805 7.8815 7.8810 62.1098 - too high 18 62.1040 7.8805 7.8810 7.8807 62.1061 - too high 19 62.1040 7.8805 7.8807 7.8806 62.1042 - too high 20 62.1040 7.8805 7.8806 7.8806 62.1033 - too low 21 62.1040 7.8806 7.8806 7.8806 62.1038 - too low 22 62.1040 7.8806 7.8806 7.8806 62.1040 - too high 23 62.1040 7.8806 7.8806 7.8806 62.1039 - too highsqrt(62.1040) = 7.8806对于49:pax> sqrt 49Step Number Low High Mid Square Result 1 49.0000 0.0000 49.0000 24.5000 600.2500 - too high 2 49.0000 0.0000 24.5000 12.2500 150.0625 - too high 3 49.0000 0.0000 12.2500 6.1250 37.5156 - too low 4 49.0000 6.1250 12.2500 9.1875 84.4102 - too high 5 49.0000 6.1250 9.1875 7.6562 58.6182 - too high 6 49.0000 6.1250 7.6562 6.8906 47.4807 - too low 7 49.0000 6.8906 7.6562 7.2734 52.9029 - too high 8 49.0000 6.8906 7.2734 7.0820 50.1552 - too high 9 49.0000 6.8906 7.0820 6.9863 48.8088 - too low 10 49.0000 6.9863 7.0820 7.0342 49.4797 - too high 11 49.0000 6.9863 7.0342 7.0103 49.1437 - too high 12 49.0000 6.9863 7.0103 6.9983 48.9761 - too low 13 49.0000 6.9983 7.0103 7.0043 49.0598 - too high 14 49.0000 6.9983 7.0043 7.0013 49.0179 - too high 15 49.0000 6.9983 7.0013 6.9998 48.9970 - too low 16 49.0000 6.9998 7.0013 7.0005 49.0075 - too high 17 49.0000 6.9998 7.0005 7.0002 49.0022 - too high 18 49.0000 6.9998 7.0002 7.0000 48.9996 - too low 19 49.0000 7.0000 7.0002 7.0001 49.0009 - too high 20 49.0000 7.0000 7.0001 7.0000 49.0003 - too high 21 49.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 49.0000 - too low 22 49.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 49.0001 - too high 23 49.0000 7.0000 7.0000 7.0000 49.0000 - too highsqrt(49.0000) = 7.0000