我还没有对它进行过广泛的测试,直到我看到输出中所期望的东西时,我才或多或少地对其进行了研究,但是它似乎可行,并且从左到右进行了解析。<?php$str = 'twelve billion people know iPhone has two hundred and thirty thousand, seven hundred and eighty-three apps as well as over one million units sold';function strlen_sort($a, $b){ if(strlen($a) > strlen($b)) { return -1; } else if(strlen($a) < strlen($b)) { return 1; } return 0;}$keys = array( 'one' => '1', 'two' => '2', 'three' => '3', 'four' => '4', 'five' => '5', 'six' => '6', 'seven' => '7', 'eight' => '8', 'nine' => '9', 'ten' => '10', 'eleven' => '11', 'twelve' => '12', 'thirteen' => '13', 'fourteen' => '14', 'fifteen' => '15', 'sixteen' => '16', 'seventeen' => '17', 'eighteen' => '18', 'nineteen' => '19', 'twenty' => '20', 'thirty' => '30', 'forty' => '40', 'fifty' => '50', 'sixty' => '60', 'seventy' => '70', 'eighty' => '80', 'ninety' => '90', 'hundred' => '100', 'thousand' => '1000', 'million' => '1000000', 'billion' => '1000000000');preg_match_all('#((?:^|and|,| |-)*(\b' . implode('\b|\b', array_keys($keys)) . '\b))+#i', $str, $tokens);//print_r($tokens); exit;$tokens = $tokens[0];usort($tokens, 'strlen_sort');foreach($tokens as $token){ $token = trim(strtolower($token)); preg_match_all('#(?:(?:and|,| |-)*\b' . implode('\b|\b', array_keys($keys)) . '\b)+#', $token, $words); $words = $words[0]; //print_r($words); $num = '0'; $total = 0; foreach($words as $word) { $word = trim($word); $val = $keys[$word]; //echo "$val\n"; if(bccomp($val, 100) == -1) { $num = bcadd($num, $val); continue; } else if(bccomp($val, 100) == 0) { $num = bcmul($num, $val); continue; } $num = bcmul($num, $val); $total = bcadd($total, $num); $num = '0'; } $total = bcadd($total, $num); echo "$total:$token\n"; $str = preg_replace("#\b$token\b#i", number_format($total), $str);}echo "\n$str\n";?>