这是我为排序的大数组编写的高性能函数对于具有20000个元素的数组,经过测试的主循环仅需要~20次迭代。请注意数组必须排序(升序)!define('ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT', 0);define('ARRAY_NEAREST_LOWER', 1);define('ARRAY_NEAREST_HIGHER', 2);/** * Finds nearest value in numeric array. Can be used in loops. * Array needs to be non-assocative and sorted. * * @param array $array * @param int $value * @param int $method ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT|ARRAY_NEAREST_LOWER|ARRAY_NEAREST_HIGHER * @return int */function array_numeric_sorted_nearest($array, $value, $method = ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT) { $count = count($array); if($count == 0) { return null; } $div_step = 2; $index = ceil($count / $div_step); $best_index = null; $best_score = null; $direction = null; $indexes_checked = Array(); while(true) { if(isset($indexes_checked[$index])) { break ; } $curr_key = $array[$index]; if($curr_key === null) { break ; } $indexes_checked[$index] = true; // perfect match, nothing else to do if($curr_key == $value) { return $curr_key; } $prev_key = $array[$index - 1]; $next_key = $array[$index + 1]; switch($method) { default: case ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT: $curr_score = abs($curr_key - $value); $prev_score = $prev_key !== null ? abs($prev_key - $value) : null; $next_score = $next_key !== null ? abs($next_key - $value) : null; if($prev_score === null) { $direction = 1; }else if ($next_score === null) { break 2; }else{ $direction = $next_score < $prev_score ? 1 : -1; } break; case ARRAY_NEAREST_LOWER: $curr_score = $curr_key - $value; if($curr_score > 0) { $curr_score = null; }else{ $curr_score = abs($curr_score); } if($curr_score === null) { $direction = -1; }else{ $direction = 1; } break; case ARRAY_NEAREST_HIGHER: $curr_score = $curr_key - $value; if($curr_score < 0) { $curr_score = null; } if($curr_score === null) { $direction = 1; }else{ $direction = -1; } break; } if(($curr_score !== null) && ($curr_score < $best_score) || ($best_score === null)) { $best_index = $index; $best_score = $curr_score; } $div_step *= 2; $index += $direction * ceil($count / $div_step); } return $array[$best_index];}ARRAY_NEAREST_DEFAULT 找到最近的元素ARRAY_NEAREST_LOWER 找到最近的元素是LOWERARRAY_NEAREST_HIGHER 找到最接近的元素用法:$test = Array(5,2,8,3,9,12,20,...,52100,52460,62000);// sort an array and use array_numeric_sorted_nearest// for multiple searches. // for every iteration it start from half of chunk where// first chunk is whole array// function doesn't work with unosrted arrays, and it's much// faster than other solutions here for sorted arrayssort($test);$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 8256);$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 3433);$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 1100);$nearest = array_numeric_sorted_nearest($test, 700);